Applied Learning of Spanish Language
Applied Learning of Spanish Language
Spanish Alphabet (El Alfabeto Espanol)
Spanish alphabet has 30 letters:
a-A: will be pronounced as “A”. Example: Casa, Amor, Grasias
b-B: will be pronounced as “B”. Example: Bueno, Brillante
c-C: After this letter, if it comes “e” or “I”, it will be pronounced as Arabic “TH” by the tip of tongue. (In Latin American it will be pronounced as “S”). Otherwise it will be pronounced as “K”. Example: Cielo, Cien, Aceptar, Cerca, Colaborar(kolaborar), Musica Clasica(Musica Klasica)
ch-CH: will be pronounced as “CH”. Example: Chica, Champu, Salchicha
d-D: will be pronounced as “D”. Example: Duro, Donde
e-E: will be pronounced as “E”. Example: eterno, Elegante
f-F: will be pronounced as “F”. Example: Fuego, Flor, Familia
g-G: After this letter, if it comes “e” or “i”, it will be pronounced as “KH”, otherwise it will be pronounced as “G”. Example: Georgia (Khorkhia), Gimnasia (Khimnasia), General(Kheneral), Gordo, Garganta, Gloria, Guerra, Alguien
h-H: this letter will be written but not pronounced in Spanish language. Example: Hola (Ola), Hacer (Acer), Almohoda (Almoada)
i-I: This letter, if comes after “o”, “a”, and “e” will be pronounced as “Y”, otherwise it will be pronounced as “EY”. Example: Oil, Aire, Aceite, Diente (Dieynte), Dirigir(Dirikhir), Limite(Limieyte), Dia
j-J: will be pronounced as “KH”. Example: Juan (Khuan), Ajadrez (Akhedres), Caja(Kakha)
k-K: will be pronounced as “K”. This letter being in Spanish alphabet, do not have so much usage because it has been entered Spanish language from other languages and will be used only on those words which are not Spanish but are common in Spanish. Example: Kilometro, Kilogramo
l-L: will be pronounced as “L”. Example: Lugar, Lejos, Lima
ll-LL: This letter will be pronounced in two ways: “Y” ad “J”. There is no special regulation to where pronounce as “Y” ad where as “J”. But in slangy languages it mostly will be pronounced as “J”. Example: Llorar (Yorar/Jorar), Llamar (Yamar/Jamar), Brillante (Briyante/Brijante)
m-M: will be pronounced as “M”. Example: Mesa, Mas
n-N: will be pronounced as “N”. Example: Nunca, Naranjo
Ñ-ñ: This letter will be pronounced as “Ni”. Example: España (Spania), Niño (Ninio), Añadir (Aniadir), Mañana (Maniana), Año (Anio)
o-O: will be pronounced as “O”. Example: Ojo (Okho), Oro(Oro)
p-P: will be pronounced as “P”. Example: Plato, Papel
q-Q: will be pronounced as “K”. It always succeeds “U” which will not be pronounced. Querer (Kerer), Aqui (Aki), Quedar (Kedar), Quimica (Kimika)
r-R: will be pronounced as “R”. Example: Ruso, Rodear
rr-RR: Will be pronounced as “RR”. Example: Arriba, Carrera, Derrotar
s-S: will be pronounced as “S”. Example: Sol, Sal
t-T: will be pronounced as “T”. Example: Te, Tatuaje (Tatuakhe)
u-U: will be pronounced as “O”. Example: Uno, Cultura
v-V: will be pronounced as “B”. Example: Viuda (Biuda), Caviar (Kabiar), Vecino (Besino)
w-W: will be pronounced as “B”. This letter does not have the Spanish origin such as “K”, and will be used in a few words. Example: Washington (Bashington)
x-X: will be pronounced as two succeeding “K”,”S”. It comes at the initial, will be pronounced as “KH”. Example: Explicar, Flexible
y-Y: will be pronounced as “LL”. Example: Yo (Yo,Jo), Ayer (Ayer, Ajer)
z-Z: In Spai will be pronounced as Arabic “TH”, by tip of the tongue, and in Latin Maerica as “S”. Example: Zorro (Sorro), Cazador (kasador), Mezclar (Mesklar)
Pronunciation (Pronunciacion)
Pronunciation in Spanish is much simpler than English. Even if you know English well, its possible to pronounce some words incorrectly because English has no specific rule for pronunciation. But its not like that in Spanish. Words are pronounced the same way they are written and it’s just enough to know the pronunciation rules of some of them.
Angel, agencia, gente: ge (Khe)
Gitano, ginebra: gi (Khi)
Guerrero, Guerra: gue (Ge)
Aguila, sanguineo: gui (Gi)
As you have seen, in words which (Ge) and (Gi) will be pronounced, there is (u) after (g) in their written form to be distinct by (ge) and (gi) and will be pronounced correctly.
In these words the (u) will not be pronounced ad its just a mediator for correct pronunciation of the word.
There are some words which are the same as the above mentioned words, but (u) will be pronounced in them. These words must be written as: güe , güi
For example: Pingüino (Pinguino), Vergüenza (Berguensa)
(Q) Always succeeds (u) that in this situation the (u) will not be pronounced. Que (Ke), Tranquilo (Trankilo), Quie (Ki en)
Examples of Pronunciation and words Translation
azúcar – Asoocar : Sugar, Sugar cube
aceite – Aceite : Oil
botella – Boteia : Bottle
Casa – Casa : Home
ceniza – Senisa : Ash
brisa – Brisa : Breeze
viento – Biento : Wind
cerveza – Cerbesa : Beer
atracción – Atracsion : Attraction
brillar – Breiar : Shine
pájaro – Pakharo : Bird
página – Pakhina : Page
pegar – Pegar : Paste
piedra – Piedra : Stone
coche – Coche : Car
calle – Caye : Street
águila – Agilla : Eagle
tranquilo – Tranquilo : Quiet
auxiliar – Auxiliar : Help
ayudar – Ayudar : Help
atardecer – Atardeser : Get Dark , Late Afternoon
arriba – Arriba : Up
quizás – Quizas : Maybe
cazador – Casador: Hunter
cien – Cien – Hundred
cielo – Cielo – Sky
cinco – Sinco : Five
cabeza – Cabesa : Head
niño – Ninieo: Child
bebe – Bebe : Baby
discusión – Discusion : Discussion
directo – Directo : Direct
tierra – Tierra : Earth
esquí – Eski : Esky
línea – Linea: Line
importante – Importante : Important
país – Pais : Country
una vez – Une bes : Once
panadería – Panaderia : Bakery
Question and Answer
qué es esto?….es una mesa¿
What is this? It’s a table.
qué es esto?….es un perro¿
What is this? Its a dog.
qué es esto?….es un plato¿
What is this? Its a plate.
qué es esto?….es un reloj¿
What is this? Its a watch.
qué es esto?….es un balón¿
What is this? Its a ball.
qué es esto?….es un parasol¿
What is this? Its an umbrella.
qué es esto?….es una manzana¿
What is this? Its an apple.
qué es esto?….es una silla¿
What is this? Its a chair.
qué es esto?….es una llave¿
What is this? Its a key.
qué es esto?….es un libro¿
What is this? Its a book.
qué es esto?….es un sombrero¿
What is this? Its a hat.
qué es esto?….es una guitarra¿
What is this? Its a guitar.
qué es esto?….es un vaso¿
What is this? Its a glass.
qué es esto?….es una flor¿
What is this? Its a flower.
qué es esto?….es un zapato¿
What is this? Its shoes.
qué es esto?….es una camisa¿
What is this? Its a shirt.
qué es esto?….es una casa¿
What is this? Its a house.
qué es esto?….es un coche¿
What is this? Its a car.
qué es esto?….es una botella¿
What is this? Its a bottle.
qué es esto?….es un espejo¿
What is this? Its a mirror.
qué es esto?….es una bolsa¿
What is this? Its a bag.
qué es esto?….es una avión¿
What is this? Its an airplane.
qué es esto?….es un árbol¿
اWhat is this? Its a tree.
lección 4 – tener (To have)
tener is one of the most common words in Spanish language.
tener – To have
?tienes un libro¿- Do you have a book?
sí,tengo un libro- Yes, I do.
?tienes una revista¿- Do you have a magazine?
sí,tengo una revista- Yes, I do.
?tienes un libro¿- Do you have a book?
no,no tengo- No, I dont.
?tienes una revista¿- Do you have a magazine?
no,no tengo- No, I dont.
?tienes una camisa verde¿-Do you have a green shirt?
no,tengo una camisa roja-No, I have a red one.
?tienes un coche azul¿-Do you have a blue car?
no,tengo un coche amarillo-No, I have a yellow one.
?tienes hijos¿- Do you have any children?
sí,un hijo y una hija – Yes, one son, and one daughter
?qué esdad tienes¿- How old are you?
tengo 32 años- I am thirty two years old.
?tienes 40 años¿- Are you forty years old?
no,tengo 32 años- No, I am thirty two years old.
tener que – Have To
tengo que irme- I have to go
tengo que aprender- I have to learn
tengo que estudiar más- I have to study more
tienes que hacerlo- You have to do this
tienes que olvidar- You have to forget it
tienes que estudiar- You have to study
tener sueño – To be sleepy
tengo sueño- I am sleepy
tener hambre – I am hungry
tengo hambre- Im hungry
tener (Conjugation of the infinitive of present simple)
Tengo (I have) – Tienes ( You have) – Tiene (He/She has) – Tenemos (We have) – Teneis (You have) – Tienen (They have)
Male and Female (Masculine and Feminine)
Names and adjectives have masculine and feminine condition in Spanish language. These masculinity or femininity exists for all names and objects. Many masculine words ends with O and many feminine words ends with A.
Caudro: Picture
Libro: Book
Casa: House
Caja: Box
Chico: boy – Chica: Girl
Medico: Male Doctor – Medica: Female Doctor
Cocinero: Male Chef – Cocinera: Female Chef
In cases that we want to add an adjective for a masculine name, the adjective receives the masculine form too; its the same for feminine names.
For example:
– Male: cuadro bonito / bonito cuadro (Beautiful Picture)
– Female: casa bonita / bonita casa (Beautiful House)
Cuadro is a masculine word ad its masculinitys symbol is the O at the end of the word, so the adjective must have the masculinity form, too. Casa is a feminine word and its femininitys symbol is the A at the end of the word, so its adjective must have the femininitys form.
Another Example:
– Male: Medico Experto: (Expert Doctor)
– Female: Medica Experta: (Expert Doctor)
Of course there are always exceptions in Spanish language. There are some exceptions in Masculinity and femininitys cases which we have to learn and memorize them. For example dia (Day) will end to a, however it is masculine; also mono (hand) end to O, but its a feminine word.
Names which end by OR are masculine, and even in cases which they have feminine form, the word a will be added to their end.
Examples: Color (color) – Valor (Value) – Sabor (Flavor) – Amor (love). These names are masculine and always have the masculine form. There are names which have the feminine form: Ganador (Winner) – Ganadora (Winner) – Embajador (Ambassador) – Emjajadora (Ambassador).
Names which only have feminine form:
Names which end by TAD are feminine.
Example: Libertad (Liberty) – Dificultad (Difficulty) – Facultad (Facaulty)
Names which end by TUD are feminine.
Example: Longitude (Leghth) – Actitud (Action)
Names which end by DAD are feminine.
Example: Calidad (Quality) – Cantidad (Quality) – Ciudad (City) – Bondad (Goodness)
Names which end by CION and SION are feminine.
Example: Cancion (Song) – Fijacion (Fixation) – Coleccion (Collection) – Fision (Fission) – Vision (Vision) – Erosion (Erosion)
The number one (UN) is the only number which has both masculine and feminine form. In musuline form it will be written as (un) and in feminine form it will be written as (una).
Example: un chico (one boy) – una chica (one girl) – una casa (one house) – un zapota (one shoes) – una ventana (one window) – un perro (one dog) – una perra (one feminine dog)
Words that end by ISTA and ANTE will be used or both masculine and feminine.
Example: artista (artist) – tenista (Tennis) – dentist (dentist) – estudiante (student) – calmante (smoothing) – amante (lover)
yo soy Martín Muñoz. : I am Martin Munos.
tengo sesenta y siete años :I am sixty seven years old.
soy español : I am Spanish.
vivo en toledo, en una casa grande y antigua : I live in Toldo, in a big old house.
no estoy casado : I am not married.
vivo solo : I live alone.
todas las tardes voy al parque : I go to park in afternoons.
donde encuentro a mi amigo Pascual : where I see my fired, Pascual.
cómo se llama usted? : What is your name?
me llamo Martín. : My name is Martin.
qué edad tiene usted? : How old are you?
tengo sesenta y siete años . : Im sixty seven.
de dónde es usted? : Where are you from?
soy de españa . : I am Spanish.
en cúal ciudad de españa vive usted? : Which city of Spain do you live in?
en Toledo. : In Toledo.
cómo es su casa? : How is your house?
es una casa grande y antigua. : Its a big and old house.
es usted casado? : Are you married?
no,yo soy soltero. : No, I am single.
a dónde va usted las tardes? : Where do you go in afternoons?
voy al parque : I go to the park.
quién es Pascual? : Who is Pascual?
él es mi amigo : He is my friend.
me llamo Federico guiterrez : My name is Federico Guiterrez.
soy español pero vivo en argentina : I am Spanish but I live in Argentina.
yo soy médico : I am a doctor.
trabajo en un hospital de buenos aires : I work in a hospital in Buenos Aires.
tengo sincuenta años :Im fifty years old.
julia es mi mujer : Julia is my wife.
ella es espanola también : She is Spanish, too.
tiene cuarenta y cuatro años : She is forty for years old.
y es profesora de francés : and she is French teacher.
tengo dos hijos : I have two children.
un hijo y una hija : One son and one daughter
se llaman luis y marisol : Their names are Luis and Marisol.
marisol tiene diesiséis años : Marisol is sixteen years old.
y luis tiene veintiún años : and Luis is twenty one years old.
luis actualmente está en españa : Luis is in Spain now.
él es estudiante de la universidad : He is a universitys student.
cómo se llama usted? : What is your name?
me llamo Federico : My name is Federico.
es usted español? : Are you Spanish?
sí,soy español : Yes, I am Spanish.
vive usted en españa? : Do you live in Spain?
no,vivo en argentina : No, I live in Argentina.
en qué trabaja usted? : What do you do?
soy médico : I am a doctor.
dónde trabaja usted? : Where do you work?
en un hospital de buenos aires : In a hospital in Buenos Aires.
qué edad tiene usted? : How old are you?
tengo sincuenta años : I am fifty years old.
cómo se llama su esposa? : What is your wifes name?
se llama julia : Her name is Julia.
qué edad tiene? : How old is she?
ella tiene cuarenta y cuatro años : She is forty four years old.
cúantos hijos tiene usted? : How many children do you have?
dos hijos,un hijo y una hija : Two, one son and one daghter
cómo se llaman? : What are their names?
luis y marisol : Luis and Marisol.
qué edad tienen? : How old are they?
luis tiene veintiún años y marisol diesiséis : Luis is twenty one and Marisol is sixteen.
luis – yo soy luis,el hijo mayor : I am Luis, the older child.
tengo veintiúna años : I am twenty one years old.
soy estudiandte : I am a universitys student.
vivo ev madrid : I live in Madrid.
me gustan esquí y alpinismo : I love Ski and Mounatin Climbing.
marisol – hola : Hello
yo soy marisol : I am Marisol
tengo dieciséis años : I am sixteen.
quiero ser actriz : I want to be an actress.
no me gusta nada estudiar : I do not like studying at all.
Hola: Hello
Yo: I
Soy: am
Estoy: am
Es: is
Esta: is
Y: and
Espana: Spain
Espanol: Spanish
Vivo: live
Tengo: have
Voy: go
Casa: house
Solo: alone
Tarde: Afternoon, Evening, 2) late
Parque: Park
Amigo: Friend
Usted: You (Politely)
Donde? : Where?
Donde: Where
Que? : What?
Que: that
Edad: age
Cual?: Which?
Ciudad: City
En: in
En la casa: In house
En Espana: In Spain
Ano: Year
Como?: How?
Grande: Big, large
Antique: Old
Casado: Married
Soltero: Single
Quien?: Who?
Quien: who
Pero: but
Argentina: Argentina
Medico: Medical Doctor
Hospital: Hospital
Trabajo: work
Mujer: Woman
Tambien: Also
Profesor: teacher, 2) professor
Frances: French
Actualmente: now, until now
Estudiante: student, 2) Universitys student
Estudiar: Study, reading
Universidad: university
Esposo: husband (Man)
Esposa: wife (Woman)
El: he (Male)
Ella: she (Female)
Cuanto?: How much?
Cuantos: How many?
Un: One
Una: Female One
Dos: two
Hijos: Children
Hijo: child (son)
Hija: child (daughter)
Esqui: Sky
Alpinismo: Mountain Climbing
Actriz: actress
Nada: nothing, no thing
Infinitive – Infinitivo
There are three types of infinitives in Spanish language: Infinitives which end to (ar), infinitives which end to (er), and infinitives which end to (ir).
For example:
Tocar: Touch, Play
Creer: Think, Believe
Recibir: Receive
Each group has its own special rule for conjugation. Of course there are many irregular verbs which do not follow the conjugations rules that will be described in this lesson for all three types of infinitives, and we have to memorize them. However we learn regular verbs conjugation for now and discuss about irregular verbs and their conjugation in following lessons.
(ir, er, ar) are infinitives symbols.
1- Conjugation of present simple predictive for infinitives which end to (ar).
We remove infinitives symbol to receive the infinitives root. Then we add prefixes such as (a – as – o – an – ais – amos) to the infinitives root.
By removing (ar) we achieve the infinitives root. Tocar – ar = toc
Toc + o = toco : I touch
Toc + as = Tocas : You touch
Toc + a = toca : He/She touches
Toc + amos = tocamos : We touch
Toc + ais = tocais : You touch
Toc + an = tocan : The touch
2- Conjugation of present simple predictive for infinitives which end to (er).
We remove infinitives symbol to receive the infinitives root. Then we add prefixes such as (e – es – o – en – eis – amos) to the infinitives root.
By removing (er) we achieve the infinitives root. creer – er = cre
Cre + o = creo : I think
Cre + es = crees : You think
Cre + e = cree : He/She thinks
Cre + emos = creemos : We think
Cre + eis = creeis : You think
Cre + en = creen : They think
1- Conjugation of present simple predictive for infinitives which end to (ir).
We remove infinitives symbol to receive the infinitives root. Then we add prefixes such as (e – es – o – en –is – imos) to the infinitives root.
By removing (ir) we achieve the infinitives root. recibir – ir = recib
Recib + o = recibo : I receive
Recib + es = recibes : You receive
Recib + e = recibe : He/She receives
Recib + imos = recibimos : We receive
Recib + is = recibis : You receive
Recib + en = reciben : They receive
Article (Articulo)
There are four types of article in Spanish language (el, los, la, las) which will be used before singular male words, plural male words, singular female words, and plural male words. There is no Article in Persian language, but if we want to translate it to English, it will be the same as “the”.
El: for singular male: el coche, el juego, el nino, el nombre, el ais, el libro
Los: for plural male: los coches, los juegos, los ninos, los nomres, los paises, los libros
La: for singular female: la tentacion, la silla, la isla, la masa, la ventana
Las: for plural female: las tantaciones, las sillas, las islas, las mesas, las ventanes
Mixed Articles
If el comes after a, they will be mixed and they will become al.
A + el : al
voy al colegio : I go to college.
traducir al español : Translating to Spanish
españa está al frente de la lucha contra el trorismo : Spain is against Terrorism war.
coger al primero : Beginning from the first
If el comes after de, they will be mixed ad they will become del
De + el = del
La lus del sol : Sunshine
El sonido del viente : Winds voice
Histora del siglo veinte : The history of twentieth century
el libro interesante – The Interesting book
los libros interesante – The Interesting books
el país asiático – The Asian Country
los países asiáticos – The Asian Countries
el nombre de mi amigo – My friends name
los nombres de mis amigos – My friends names
el niño está jugando – The child is playing
los niños estan jugando – The children are playing
el juego olímpico – The Olympic game
los juegos olímpicos – The Olympic games
el coche caro – The expensive car
los coches caros – The expensive cars
la ventana está abierta – The window is open
las ventanas estan abiertas – The windows are open
la mesa es de madera – The table is wooden
las mesas son de madera – The tables are wooden
la isla está en el mar mediterraneo – The Island is in the Mediterranean Sea
las islas están en el mar mediterraneo – The Islands are in the Mediterranean Sea
la silla está detrás de la mesa – The chair is behind the table
las sillas están detrás de la mesa – The chairs are behind the table
la tentación diabólica – The diabolical temptation
las tentaciónes diabólicas – The diabolical temptations
libro – book
país – country
nombre – name
niño – kid
partido – game
coche – car
ventana – window
mesa – table
isla – island
silla – chair
tentación – temptation
interesante – interesting
asiático – Asian
amigo – friend
mediterraneo – Mediterranean
juego – game
juegos olímpicos – Olympic games
coche – car
caro – expensive
ventana – window
abierto – open
mesa – table
madera – wood
isla – island
mar – sea
mediterraneo – Mediterranean
silla – chair
tentaciónes – temptation
diabólico – diabolical
detrás – behind
luz – light
viento – wind
el sonido – sound
traducir – translate
lucha – fight, struggle
trorismo – terrorism
siglo – century
historia – history, story
sol – sun
contra – against
coger – catch
primero – one, first
Present simple (Declarative – presente indicative , to be – ser y estar)
Present simple (declarative) is a verb which announce of a surely happened action.
In this lesson we will be familiarize with two infinitives of ser and estar which both of them mean “to be” and we will conjugate them to the present simple.
The difference between ser and estar
When we should use ser?
Ser shows the persistent condition. Of course this condition may change in the future but in the same time that we are expressing that condition, its not possible to change. For example if we want to say “He is a boy” we must use “ser”, because its a condition that there is no possibility of change in it. Or for example, we want to say “Today is Sunday”. When we say today is Sunday we are expressing a situation that there is no possibility of change in it on that moment. So we should use “ser”.
él es un chico – He is a boy
hoy es domingo – Today is Sunday
tú eres muy inteligente – You are very smart
yo soy juan – I am Juan
el coche es de color rojo – My car is red
nosotros somos cristianos – We are Christian
vosotros sois madrileños – You are from Madrid
los pájaros son bonitos – Birds are beautiful
When we should use estar?
Estar expresses a condition that may change in every second. For example: “He is slept”, “He is running”, “the glass is on the table”, “the glass is empty”.
él está dormido – He is slept
él está corriendo – He is runing
el vaso está sobre la mesa – The glass is on the table
el vaso está vacío – The glass is empty
yo estoy muy alegre – I am very happy
yo estoy en la casa – I am in the house
tú estás andando – You are walking
nosotros estamos trabajando – We are working
vosotros estáis trabajando – You are working
ellos stán nerviosos – They are angry
las ventanas están abiertas – Windows are open
Question and Negative form:
hoy es domingo : Today is sunday
?hoy es domingo : Is today Sunday?
hoy no es domingo : Today is not sunday
está sobre la mesa : Its on the table
?está sobre la mesa : Is it on the table?
no está sobre la mesa : Its not on table
Usted – When we want to call somebody politely, we use tu instead of Usted.
Usteded – When we want call one or two people politely, we use ustedad instead of vosotros or vosotras.
Usted es español : You are Spanish
Ustedes son españoles : You are Spanish
Usted está en españa : You are in Spain
Ustedes están en españa : You are in Spain
domingo – Sunday
inteligente – Intelligent
dormir – Sleep
correr – Running
color – Color
rojo – Red
cristiano – Christian
madrileño – Madridian
bonito – Beautiful
pájaro – Bird
vaso – Glass
sobre – On
mesa – Table
vacío – Empty
muy – Many
alegre – Happy
trabajar – Work
nervioso – Nervous
abierto – Open
ventana – Window
Nominative Pronouns
Nominative pronoun is a word that replaces the name of subject (peoples names), it has 6 forms in Persian: I, You, He/She, We, You, They
And it has 12 forms in Spanish:
Yo – (Yo)
Tu – (To)
El – (El) : Only for singular male
Ella – (Eiia) : Only for singular female
Nosotros – (nosotros) / Vosotros – (vosotros) / Ellos (eyos) : For plural male pr plural male and female togeteher
Nosotras – (nosotras) / Vosotras – (Yosotras) / Ellas (Eyas) : Only for plural female
Usted – (Usted) : polite form for singular. It means if we want to politely call someboy, we use usted instead of tu
Ustedos – (Ustedos) : polite form for plural. It means if we want to call two o more people politely, we use Ustedos instead of Vostros/as.
Important Verbs
Conjugation of important verbs in present simple (Regular Verbs)
1- Infinitives which end to (ar)
hablar – Ablar : To talk
hablo – Ablo : We talk
hablas – Ablas : You talk
habla – Abla : She/he Talks
hablamos – Ablamos : We talk
habláis – Ablais : You Talk (Plural)
hablan – Ablan : They talk
trabajar – Yrabakhar : To work
trabajo – Trabakho : I work
trabajas – Trabakhas : You work
trabaja – Trabakha : She/he works
trabajamos – Trabakhamos : We work
trabajáis – Trabakhais : You work (plural)
trabajan – Trabakhan : They work
estudiar – Estudiar : To study
estudio – Estudio : I study
estudias – Estudias : You study
estudia – Estudia : She/he studies
estudiamos – Estudiamos : We study
estudiáis – Estudiais : You study
estudian – Estudian They study
ayudar – Ayudar : To help
ayudo – Ayudo : I help
ayudas – Ayudas : You help
ayuda – Ayuda : She/he helps
ayudamos – Ayudamos : We help
ayudáis – Ayudais : You help (Plural)
ayudan – Ayudan : They help
buscar – Buscar : Searching
busco – Busco : I search
buscas – Buscas : You search
busca – Busca : She/he searches
buscamos – Buscamos : We search
buscáis – Buscais : You search (Plural)
buscan – Buscan : They search
cambiar – Cambiar : To change, to switch
cambio – Cambio : I change
cambias – Cambias : You change
cambia – Cambia : She/he changes
cambiamos – Cambiamos : We change
cambáis – Cambiais : You change (Plural)
cambian – Cambian : They change
mirar – Mirar : To Look, To See
miro – Miro : I look
miras – Miras : You look
mira – Mira : She/he looks
miramos – Miramos : We look
miráis – Mirais : You look (Plural)
miran – Miran : They look
usar – Usar : To use
uso – Oso : I use
usas – Osas : You use
usa – Osa : She/he uses
usamos – Osamos : We use
usáis – Osais : You use (Plural)
usan – Oosan : They use
preguntar – Pereguntar : To ask
pregunto – Pregunto : I ask
preguntas – Preguntas : You ask
pregunta – Pregunta : She/he ask
preguntamos – Preguntamos : We ask
preguntáis – Preguntais : You ask (Plural)
preguntan – Preguntan (They ask)
andar (walking), amar (loving) , arreglar (arranging) ,bajar (getting off, bringing down), bailar (dancing) ,cambiar (changing) ,andar (walking) ,caminar (walking) ,castigar (punishing) ,cantar (singing) ,charlar (chatting) ,cenar (dining) ,desayunar (having breakfast) ,brillar (shining) ,besar (kissing) ,cocinar (cooking) ,comprar (buying) ,continuar (continuing) ,conversar (conversing), corta (cutting) ,dejar (leaving) ,derrotar (defeating) ,desear (wishing, desiring) ,durar (lasting, enduring) ,entrar (entering) ,enseñar (teaching, instructing) ,escuchar (listening) ,esperar منتظر بو(waiting, expecting) ,borrar (deleting) ,eliminar (removing) ,llegar (getting) ,explicar (explaining) ,fumar (smoking) ,funcionar (functioning) ,ganar (wining) ,gritar (shouting) ,invitar (inviting) ,lavar (washing) ,limpiar (cleaning) ,luchar (fighting, struggling), llamar (calling) ,llenar (filling) ,llevar (carrying), llorar (crying) ,mandar (sending, ordering) ,manejar (managing) ,matar (murdering, killing) ,mezclar (mixing) ,nadar (swimming) ,nececitar (needing) ,olvidar (forgetting) ,pagar (paying) ,pegar (pasting) ,pasar (passing, moving) ,pesar (weighing, scaling) ,practicar (practicing) ,preparar (prepare) ,quemar (burning) ,quitar (removing) , regresar (returning), respirar (breathing) ,rezar (praying) ,respetar (respecting) ,sacar (taking, drawing) ,saltar (jumping) ,sentar (sitting, seatig) ,significar (meaning, signifying) ,terminar (terminating, finishing) ,tirar (throwing, pulling) ,tocar (touching, contacting) ,tardar (delaying) ,tomar (taking) ,tratar (treating) ,viajar (travelling) ,visitar (visiting) ,votar (voting)
2- Infinitives which end to (er)
correr – (Correr) : Running
corro – (Corro) : I run
corres – (Corres) : You run
corre – (Corre) : She/he runs
corremos – (Corremos) : We run
corréis – (Correis) : You run (plural)
corren – (Corren) : They run
vender – (Bender) : Selling
vendo – (Bendo) : I sell
vendes – (Bendes) : You sell
vende – (Bende) : She/he sells
vendemos – (Bendemos) : We sell
vendéis – (Bendeis) : You sell (plural)
venden – (Benden) : They sell
creer – (Crear) : Thinking
creo – (Creo) : I think
crees – (Crees) : You think
cree – (Crea) : She/he thinks
creemos – (Creamos) : We think
creéis – (Creais) : You think (plural)
creen – (Crean) : They think
romper (breaking) , meter (putting) , esconde (hiding), deber (obligating) , comer (eating), prometer (promising), leer (reading)
3- Infinitives which end to (ir)
vivir – (Bibir) : Living
vivo – (Bibo) : I live
vives – (Bibes) : You live
vive – (Bibe) : She/he lives
vivimos – (Bibimos) : We live
vivís – (Bibis) : You live (plural)
viven – (Biben) : They live
escribir – (Escribir) : Writing
escribo – (Escribo) : I write
escribes – (Escribes) : You write
escribe – (Escribe) : She/he writes
escribimos – (Escribimos) : We write
escribís – (Escribis) : You write (plural)
escriben – (Escribin) : They write
decidir – (Decidir) : Deciding
decido – (Decido) : I decide
desides – (Desides) : You decide
deside – (Deside) : She/he decides
desidimos – (Desidimos) : We decide
desidís – (Desidis) : You decide (plural)
desiden – (Desiden) : They decide
subir (rising, getting up), sufrir (suffering), partir (departing, going away), recibir (receiving), divertir (amusing), dividir (dividing), descubrir (discovering, finding out), compartir (sharing)
Common Spanish words and Sentences
español – Spanish
persa – Persian
iraní – Iranian
irán – Iran
españa – Spain
lengua española – Spanish Language
?cuál es la capital de España¿ – Where is Spains capital?
la capital de España es Madrid – Spains capital is Madrid.
?eres español¿ – Are you Spanish?
sí,soy español – Yes, I am.
?de dónde eres¿ – Where are you from?
soy español – Im Spanish.
soy de españa – I am Spanish.
soy iraní – Im Iranian.
soy de irán – I am Iranian
?eres madrileño¿ – Are you from Madrid?
no,yo soy sevillano – No, Im from Seville.
?es él argentino¿ – Is he Argentinian?
sí,es argentino – Yes, he is.
no,él es chileno – No, he is from Chili
grande – Big
pequeño – Small
argentina es un país grande – Argentina is a big country.
en el sur de argentina hay muchas islas pequeñas – There are many small island at the south of Argentina.
hablar – Speaking
?hablas español¿ – Do you know Spanish?
no sé mucho español – I dont know Spanish very much.
llamar – Calling
llamarse – Naming
…me llamo – My name is … , I am …
?como te llamas¿ – What is your name?
me llamo franco – My name is Franco.
?y tú¿ – What about you? , and you?
me llamo carmen – My name is Carmen.
querer – Wanting, wishing
por favor – Please
gracias – Thank you, Thanks
muchas gracias – Thank you so much
!de nada¡ – Please
!te quiero¡ – I love you
sientese por favor – Please sit down
por favor,quiero dos kilos manzanas – I need two kilo of apples.
un hombre español – a Spanish man
una mujer española – a Spanish woman
nación – Nation
nacional – National
internacional – International
nacionalidad – Nationality
el día Internacional de la Infancia – Childrens International Day
Reference: Virtual language Institute in Iran
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