به دلیل تغییرات لحظه ای در قوانین کشورها، قبل از اقدام حتما با مشاوران موسسه هماهنگ کنید

Portugal Visa

Portugal Visa, Schengen Visa

Schengen contract was first signed between Benelux, Germany and France in 1990. This compact has been executed in a village named Schengen in Luxemburg in 1995, i.e. 21 years ago. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Greece each joined this compact separately till 1998. Of course the full contents of this compact is not valid about Greece.

The main reason of all signers was removing the boundaries between the mentioned countries, applying a united policy regarding security and information themes, and issuing refuging sentence and short-time visa, i.e. about three months. In 1999 Europe Union practically merged Schengen contract in its circles and therefore a great source of information and disciplinary has been created from North of Europe in Island to the Mediterranean Sea in South.

Types of Schengen Visa

There are four types of Schengen visa that is specified in Visa by four English alphabets (A, B, C, D).

Type (A) Visa: its an airport transit visa that the passenger does not have the permission to exit airport.

Example: An Iranian who has Portugal residency or visa to be able to change his/her airplane toward Portugal in one of Schengen airports.

Type (B) Visa: its the transit visa that the passenger only has the permission to exit the airport and use Schengen as the transit area.

Type (C ) Visa: its the tourist or work visa which most Iranian enter Schengen by this type.

Type (D) Visa: Its a long stay visa that is normally issued for business men and university students who for special reasons such as study have to enter and exit Schengen many times a year.

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